Website Development, Webpage Design, Graphic Design,
Advertisement & CIS Design in Malaysia
WingzUp Studios will fulfil all your need in creative designing
If you are looking for DESIGN service...This Is It! Welcome to WingzUp Studios! 正在寻找设计服务?欢迎来到添翅设计
Available Design Services:
Website Design
*Personal Portfolio, Blog, Company Site, Forum, Online Store, Facebook, etc... |
Graphic Design
*Almost any graphic design. |
Software & Apps
*PC software, Apple iOS, Google Android mobile & tablet application develop to be download and install. Price vary around RM6k to RM80k depend on function & complexity. |
Other其它: Chinese & Other language Copywriting, Write ups 中英外文案, Photographing 照片摄影, Video graphing 录影拍摄